Professor Ally Namangaya is a School Dean and registered land use planner and a senior lecturer. He holds a PhD in spatial planning, MSc in Urban and Regional planning and Management and BSc in Urban and Regional Planning. His areas of expertise are natural resources management, conflict management, geostatistical modelling, applied remote sensing, and geographical information systems, land use planning and socio-economic studies. Dr Ally has extensively published in peer reviewed journals in areas of natural resource conservation, urban planning and local economic development. His recent research is on linkages between urban spatial development and governance, economy and climate change resilience;
Linking rural communities in tourism value chains; development of spatial databases for revenue enhancement in urban areas and land tenure mapping for peripheral communities. Of recent Dr Ally is supervising PhD research project in areas of small town development and land conflict management. Dr Ally has participated in coordinating research project including an ongoing five-year research project on the quest for alternative urban planning models for small towns in Tanzania which was funded by SIDA.
Cell: +255754574743 and +255715574743; email: namangaya@yahoo.com, ally.namangaya@aru.ac.tz
Aldo Lupala is a Professor in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences. He has wide experiences in Urban Land Management. He was a former Dean, School of Architecture and Design, Former Director, University Consultancy Units, Former Manager of ARU Publishing Centre and former Head of Urban and Regional Planning Department. He is a seasoned Consultant and Contracted researcher in among others on alleviation of environmental and human settlements conflicts for the Ngorongoro Conservation Authority and Climate change impact adaptation and mitigation and emerging conflicts between adjoining settlements and natural resources for SIDA. He is the Vice president of ARU Convocation and worked in various Boards such as Town Planners Registration Board and MKURABITA in the capacity of Vice Chairman.
Contacts: +255754565655; aldo.lupala@aru.ac.tz
Professor Marco Burra is a specialist, multi-skilled scholar with practical and theoretical competences in urban and regional land use planning, design of settlements and environmental management. He is an Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS), Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam. He has a long experience as a researcher and consultant in urban planning and design; environment and regional development matters and has written several publications in international refereed journals, conference proceedings and books/manuals. He also works as a consultant for private and public agencies and is an active member of various professional organizations. He Burra has held various posts at the School and Departments in various periods, including Dean of School, School of Urban and Regional Planning (SURP: 2013-16), Head, Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP: 2011-13), Head, Department of Regional Development Planning (RDP: 2008-11) and has served in the various University Boards and Committees as a member over the last 20 years.
Professor Marco Burra has taught for over 35 years at the former Ardhi Institute, UCLAS and now Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam. He has also been a visiting scholar at several institutions, including the Royal Danish Academy of Arts, Copenhagen, Denmark (1984-7 and 2000), Centre for Research, NIBE-Aalborg, Denmark (1999), Nordic Africa Institute-NAI, Uppsala-Sweden (2000), University of Cape Town-UCT (2004 and 2008), Centre for Development Research-AICAD, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Nairobi (2005), Makerere University (2008), as Lead Scientist, VicRes Research on Community Initiatives: 2006-2010, Inter-University Council of East Africa-IUCEA Kampala (2007-10); with conferences at Jinja Nile Resort (2006), Ngurudoto Mountain Resort-Arusha (2009), Kenya School of Monetary Studies-Nairobi (2010) and Nairobi Baptist Conference Centre (2011).
Cell: +255784702904; email: Marcoburra@hotmail.com, marco.burra@aru.ac.tz
Dr Emmanuel Mchome (PhD) is a Lecturer at Ardhi University, Department of Urban and Regional Planning. He has a PhD Degree in Transportation Engineering, M.Sc. Degree in Urban Planning and Management with specialization in Urban Design; and Environmental Planning and Management. He has also a B.Sc. Degree in Urban and Regional Planning. Emmanuel Mchome was employed at Ardhi University, by then the University College of Lands and Architectural Studies (UCLAS) in 2001 and thus he has a working experience for more than fifteen years. Emmanuel Mchome is registered by Town Planners Registration Board (TPRB) as a Town Planner with Registration Number 0060-T0810. He is working in consultancy works to prepare General Planning Schemes such as Master Plans and Special Economic Zones and Detailed Planning Schemes such as Layout Plans, Neighborhood Plans/Schemes, Regularization Plans/Schemes and Resettlement Action Plans.
Cell: +255786393891; email: emamchome@yahoo.com, emmanuel.mchome@aru.ac.tz
Dr Wilfred Gordian Kazaura (PhD) is a lecturer at the department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Spatial Planning and Social Science Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam Tanzania. He has a Diploma in Cartography and Geographical Information System, Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning, Masters of Science in Urban Planning and Management and PhD in Transportation Engineering. He has worked as GIS expert in Municipalities, government and private institutions in Tanzania and out of Tanzania; urban and regional planner in preparing master plans, development plans, strategic plans in Tanzania and out of Tanzania; Transportation planning experts in preparation of urban transportation master plans, review of transportation guidelines and preparation of the frameworks for traffic impact analysis in urban area. His areas of research interest include urban and rural transportation, urban and regional planning, settlement planning, environmental issues and technology application in urban transportation and land use planning and management.
Contact: Mobile no. +255713008513, Email: wkazaura@yahoo.com, gordian.wilfred@aru.ac.tz
Dr Fredrick Bwire Magina (PhD) is a Lecture at Ardhi University and a fully registered Town/Regional Planner. He holds a PhD degree from TU Dortmund University (2013-2016), master (MSc) degree in Housing (2009-2011) from Ardhi University and bachelor (BSc) degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Dar es salaam (2002-2006). He also attended an advanced course on policy and planning theory from Stockholm University (2009-2010). He has worked with public and private institutions in the country and has also carried out various assignments in urban and regional planning.
Cell +255758218777, email: maginafred@yahoo.com , fredrick.magina@aru.ac.tz
Dr Dawah Lulu Magembe-Mushi (PhD), is a lecturer in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences, at Ardhi University. She has been teaching Research Methodology, Project Planning and Management, Urbanization and development, Planning Theories, in District/Regional Development Planning and Participatory Village Land Use Planning in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning within the same University. She has BSc in Urban and Regional Planning at by then, UCLAS and MSc in Urban and Regional Development Planning at UCLAS and UNIDO. She has interest on gender related issues, displacement and resettlement, regularizations and other urban and rural planning issues. She is one of the Board Members in Town Planners Registration Board 2016-2019; Member of SPRING International Association of Development Planners (SIADP) and a Registered Town Planner in Town Planners Registration Board of Tanzania.
Cell: +255754272730 and +255786272756; email: dimushi2000@yahoo.com, dawah.mushi@aru.ac.tz
Dr Yasin Senkondo (PhD) holds a PhD in applied biological sciences, faculty of bioscience engineering, Gent university, Belgium. He currently works as a lecturer in the school of spatial planning at Ardhi University. He is also Acting Director, Postgraduate Studies, Research and Publications Yasin has vast experience in production and propagation of cut flowers. When in flower industry he was involved in nursery operations where flower seedlings were produced. He has experiences in soil fertility management, plant nutrition, plant management and cultural practices for nursery and greenhouse production of plants. He worked as Fertigation, Pests and Diseases Control Officer at La Fleur d’Afrique LTD (1997 to 1998) and as Assistant Production Manager (2000 to 2003).
Contact: Mobile no: +255787820015, Email : kinanja@yahoo.com, yassin.senkondo@aru.ac.tz
Dr. Nelly John Babere is a Lecturer in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Studies (SSPSS) at Ardhi University. Her areas of competency include Land Use Planning, Strategic Development Planning, Detailed and General Planning Schemes, Project Planning and Management as well as Gender Issues in Planning with high skills in physical and social design aspects of the built environment. Her working experience in urban design is about 9 years and has been based on training undergraduate and postgraduate students on how best to undertake an urban design, housing and infrastructure planning projects. Dr. Babere pursed her PhD in the use of space within prime locations of urban areas, at Newcastle University, NewcastleUpon Tyne, UK, which was sponsored by Commonwealth Scholarship Commission. Her current research interest is within urban built environment with issues concerning social cohesion, inequality, age, disabilities, segregation and quality of life. She is currently doing a research sponsored by SIDA on social segregation in formal and informal neighborhoods and it impacts on quality of life using Dar es Salaam case studies. Dr. Babere is also a full registered urban planner with the national Town Planers registration Board.
Contact: Mobile no. +255712875334, Email: gathi2000@yahoo.com, nelly.babele@aru.ac.tz
Tumpale Sakijege (PhD) is a Lecturer at the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences, Ardhi University. She is an Urban Planner, Human Resources and disaster management expert. She is teaching and conducting research related to Disaster management. Dr. Sakijege completed her undergraduate and masters degree from University of Dar es Salaam and pursue her Doctoral degree in the Republic of Indonesia. Dr. Tumpale is an experienced researcher in Flood Risk Management with particular focus on the implications of flooding in the informal settlements. Her specialism includes flood impact, adaptation strategies, flood recovery, financial and economic impacts of flooding. Dr. Tumpale is a registered urban planer with the national Town Planers registration Board. She has also been involved in various consultancy services including preparation of general and detailed planning schemes as well as town planning drawings.
Contacts: Mobile +255 767 439 183 and +255 713 439 183; email: tumpaleg@yahoo.com, tumpale.mwankenja@aru.ac.tz
Mr. Emmanuel Fares Kemwita is an Assistant Lecturer in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Studies (SSPSS) at Ardhi University. His areas of competency include Architecture and planning specifically measuring on Housing, Landscape design, urban design and Buidling design. Mr. Kemwita did his Masters degree on Housing and a dissertation on Adaptable Housing Design for the Elderly People in the Context of Tanzania. He has participated in various building design projects of different magnitudes from simple to complex in the capacity of residential, commercial, industrial, offices, social halls, malls and many others of different calibers. Mr. Kemwita is a registered Architect with the Architect and Quantity Surveyors Registratiuon Board in Tanzania. He has also been involved in various consultancy services including the Ardhi University Master Plan Review and the Proposed Design of Ardhi University Post Graduate Student’s Hostels.
Contacts: Mobi+255718917156 and +255755863680; email: fares.kemwita@gmail.com, emmanuel.kemwita@aru.ac.tz
Victoria M. Mwakalinga (PhD) is a Lecturer in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS) at Ardhi University and is a fully registered Town Planner. Victoria has also worked as a PhD research student with Ifakara Health Institute in Malaria Transmission Consortium and African Vector Control: New Tools projects as a Scientist in spatial epidemiology for the last 5 years. She is currently a PhD research candidate (awaiting examiners) in the School of Public Health at the University of the Witwatersrand. Victoria is an alumni of the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) and DAAD. Her research interest embraces the application of geostatistical methods in inter disciplinary research in the field of urban health to improve identifications of vulnerable groups or locations that require spatial targeting of integrated interventions.
Cell: +255754272730 and +255786272756; email: dimushi2000@yahoo.com, victoria.mwakalinga@aru.ac.tz
Mr Peter Nayingo is Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP), School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS) at Ardhi University (ARU). He studied Human Settlement in KU Leuven in Belgium. He is an architect registered by Architect and Quantity Surveyors Registration Board of Tanzania (AQRB). He worked for Archplan International Ltd as an architect post his undergraduate studies from 2006 to 2009. His master’s thesis was focusing on sustainability aspects of urban areas as a result of the emerging multistory buildings in informal settlements. Nayingo’s field of specialization includes Architecture, Housing and Urban Design.
Contacts: 0769009009, 0784009009, 0713296426, Email: peter.nayimgo@aru.ac.tz,nayingop@gmail.com
Dr. Regina John (PhD) is a Head and Lecturer in the Department of Economics and Social Studies at the School of Spatial Planning and Social Studies (SSPSS) at Ardhi University. Her areas of competecy include Land Use Planning, Strategic Development Planning, Detailed and General Planning Scemes, Project Planning and Management as well as Housing Finance. Dr. Regina pursed her PhD in vulnerability assessment of population to climate change induced hazards focusing on flooding. She has participated in various research projects including the Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa (CLUVA) project conducted in selected Cities in Five African Coutries with collaboration from Universities and Research Institutions from the European Dr. Regina is a registered urban planer with the national Town Planers registrationa Board.
Cell: +255 0754 398 694 and +255689560957; email: lyakurwa_gina@yahoo.co.uk, regina.lyakurwa@aru.ac.tz
Dr. Luitfred D. Kissoly (PhD) is a Lecturer in the Department of Economics and Social Studies, under the School of Spatial Planning and Social Studies (SSPSS) at Ardhi University. His key research interests include Food and Nutrition Security and Policy, Agricultural Value Chains, Smallholder Welfare Analysis, Rural Development and related aspects in Agricultural and Development Economics. His PhD focused on the food security implications of smallholders’ integration in agricultural value chains. Dr. Kissoly has participated in a variety of research projects, both national and international, including Trans-Sec Project which involved Tanzanian and German researchers in ‘Innovating Strategies to safeguard Food Security using Technology and Knowledge Transfer’. He has also been involved in various consultancy works with government, non-governmental organizations and private sector.
Cell: +255713493094, +255767493093 email: kissolyluit@gmail.com, kissoly.donacian@aru.ac.tz
Ms Hawa Eva Machimu (MA) has Masters of Economics from Moi University in Nairobi. She is an Economist specialized in Development and monetary economics. Hawa is currently employed as Assistant Lecturer in the department of Social Studies and Economics, School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS) at Ardhi University (ARU) since 2015. Hawa has also worked as an Assistant Lecturer at Stella Maris Mtwara University College (STEMMUCO) in Mtwara from 2014 right after her MA Economics award. Upon completion of her Undergraduate degree in 2009, Hawa has worked as a Tutorial Assistant at St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT). Her master’s thesis was focusing on Factors Affecting Cashew nuts Export in Tanzania a time series data from 1980-2012.
Cell: +255754315943 and +255714616102; email: hawaeva2@gmail.com, hawa.machimu@aru.ac.tz
Mussa S. Muhoja is both a Sociologist and a Lawyer (Advocate). He has Master of Arts in Sociology, Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice. He also possess Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Bachelor of Sociology from the University of Dar es Salaam. He is an Urban Sociologist and he also practice as an Advocate of High Court and Court Subordinate to it save for Primary Court thereto. Muhoja is a member of the Tanganyika Law Society (TLS). He is currently employed as Assistant Lecturer in the department of Economics and Social Sciences (ESS), School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences (SSPSS) at Ardhi University (ARU) since 2016. He also worked for CARE International as Capacity Building Manager in the Women and Girls Empowerment Program for Six years, and thereafter worked with MARS Attorneys as a Lead Advocate. Currently, Muhoja has focused much on land laws, access to and control over land for various groups, gender and laws, Regularization and Sociology of Culture and Anthropology. He is also a PhD candidate under sandwich program between the University of Dar es Salaam, University of Berlin and University of London.
Mobile: 0714283514; Email: mussa.muhoja@aru.ac.tz and muhoja2020@gmail.com
Mr Jimson Chumbula (MA) is an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Social studies in the School of Spatial Planning and Social Sciences. He holds a Master’s Degree in Rural Development from Sokoine University of Agriculture. He has experience in teaching as prior to coming to Ardhi University; he worked at Ministry of Education and Vocational Training as a secondary teacher for seven years and at University of Iringa as a Tutorial Assistant for three years. His research experience is on community participation in designing and executing developmental projects. He also desires in conducting researches on Conflict Resolution and Management.
Email: chumbulajimson@yahoo.com , jimson.chumbula@aru.ac.tz, Mobile no: +255755555411
Danny Temu is an economics instructor at the department of economics and social studies. He has been teaching micro-economics for the whole duration of his time at the university. His research is on labour economics particularly on the analysis of rural urban migration in the least developed countries. Danny Temu is currently a pupil at the school of social sciences dare s salaam
Contact: Mobile no. +255657531900, Email: dtemu@hotmail.com, danny.temu@aru.ac.tz
Reginald Chetto is an assistant lecturer at the department of economics and social studies at Ardhi University. He has a degree in rural development and a master’s in public policies. He has worked as an agriculture extension and rural communication specialist with the ministry of agriculture and food security where he has been involved in training on innovation and agricultural technology dissemination for agricultural extension and field workers. His areas of research interest include agriculture and food security, rural finance and development, social capital and social inclusion. His research interest are further being broaden to include spatial elements of urbanisation and their synergetic impact on food security and development
Contact: Mobile no. +255717578506, Email: chetto1981@yahoo.com, reginald.chetto@aru.ac.tz
Ms Theresia Francis (M. Demography) is a holder of Master of Arts in Demography from University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania and Bachelor of Arts in Rural Development from Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania. Theresia is currently employed at Ardhi University (ARU), since 2010. She also worked for Mpwapwa District Council as social welfare officer in 2009. Her master’s thesis was focusing on Utilization of Maternal Health Services Among Pastoralist Communities in Northern Part of Tanzania. Her field of specialization is Demography and area of interest includes child and maternal health, demographic statistics, social protections and gender issues.
Contact: Mobile no. +255713578506, Email: tedybura@gmail.com, theresia.burra@aru.ac.tz
Mr Linus Lugaiyamu is an assistant lecturer at the Department of economics and social studies. He has a master of science in business and economic form Uppsala University (Sweden) and a bachelor degree in economics from University of Dodoma. He is an expert in cost benefit analysis of projects, strategic planning, data analysis and monitoring and evaluation. His main research interests include macroeconomics, development economics and agricultural economics. Before joining the university, he held a position of credit officer at Finca Microfinance Bank Ltd.
Contact: Email: linusluge@gmail.com, linus.lugaiyamu@aru.ac.tz, Mobile: 0674-937391