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Marobhe, N.J, Salukele, F and Sabai, S.M (2021).
Potential of Moringa oleifera seeds and fuel wood ash as adsorbent of dye and organic matter in wastewater from batik producing enterprises. Accepted for publication in the International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering.
Wernstedt, K., Kaseva, M. and Kihila J. (2020).
Biases and Environmental Risks in Urban Africa: Household Solid Waste Decision-Making. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Volume 63, 2020 - Issue 11.
Muhondwa, J.P. (2020).
Threats of Human Exposure to Pathogenic Enterobacteria at Traditional Open Markets in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of Building and Land Development. Vol. 21 No.1, 2020, pp. 31-45
Mhina G.J., Marina B.J., Mbuligwe. E.S, and Roderick, Kassenga (2020)
Suitability of storm water runoff for water supply in fast urbanizing cities: The case of Mbezi River catchment in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. JBLD: Vol 21 No 1 (2020).
Sweya, L. N., & Wilkinson, S. (2020).
A tool for measuring environmental resilience to floods in Tanzania water supply systems. Ecological Indicators, 112, 106165.
Sweya, L. N., Wilkinson, S., Mayunga, J., Joseph, A., Lugomela, G., & Victor, J. (2020).
Development of a tool to measure resilience against floods for water supply systems in Tanzania. Journal of Management in Engineering, 36(4), 05020007.
Sweya, L. N., Wilkinson, S., Kassenga, G., &Mayunga, J. (2020).
Developing a tool to measure the organizational resilience of Tanzania's water supply systems. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 39(2), 6-19.
Sweya, L. N., &Mgana, S. M. (2020).
Disinfection of Fecal Sludge Using Solar Thermal Water Heating: Sludge Management Option for Developing Countries. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 146(12), 04020137.
Kihila, J. M., and Balengayabo, J. G. (2020).
Adaptable improved onsite waste water treatment systems for urban settlements in developing countries. Cogent Environmental Science, 6(1), 1823633.
Salila, E., Sharma, M. P., & Singh, R. (2020).
Climate Change Impacts on Water Quality of Water Bodies-A Review.
Sabai, S. M. M., (2019),
Use of sisal fiber in concrete block production from construction and demolition waste in Tanzania, Journal of Building and Land Development, vol. 20, 1&2; pp 16-30
Mkumbo S., W. Mwegoha, C. Kihampa (2019).
The effect of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete on the Survival and Growth of Launaeacornuta and Sporobolus jacquemontii grown in Heavy Metal Polluted Soils: A Greenhouse Study. Journal of Building and Land Development. Vol. 20 No. 1-2.
Muhondwa, J. P. and Mwombela, H.M. (2019).
Uptake and Translocation Pattern of Heavy Metals in Leafy Vegetables Highly Consumed in Tanzania. International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 6, ISSN No. 2455-2143, pp 261-269
Muhondwa, J. P. (2019).
Efficacy of Passive Solar Heating on Hygienization of Enteropathogens Contaminated Biowaste during Anaerobic Digestion. (2019). International Journal of Recent Engineering Research and Development, 4(3): pp 48-57.
Muhondwa, J. P. (2019).
Enteropathogens survivor load in digestate from Two-phase mesophilic anaerobic digestion and Validation of hygienization regime. World Scientific News, 125, pp 94-113.
Mato, R.R.A.M and Kassenga, G.R (2019),
Potential threat of arsenic contamination of water sources from gold mining activities in Lake Victoria areas, Tanzania. In: Environmental Arsenic in a Changing World (Zhu, Y et al., eds.), pg. 167-169.
MengisenyKaseva, Kris Wernstedt and Jacob M. Kihila. (2019).
Measurement and Quantification of Residential Solid Waste in A Metropolitan City of a Developing Country: Case Study in Four Selected Informal Settlements in Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania. Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management Volume 45.
Mato, R.R.A.M and Kassenga, G.R (2019).
Potential threat of arsenic contamination of water sources from gold mining activities in Lake Victoria areas, Tanzania. In: Environmental Arsenic in a Changing World (Zhu, Y et al., eds.) , pg. 167-169.
Mengiseny E. Kaseva, Christopher Mayige, Fredrick Salukele, Godfrey Mkongo and Eliud M. Sangeti (2018).
Spatial Distribution of Fluoride Concentration in Drinking Water Sources in Northern Tanzania. Journal of Civil and Environmental Research. ISSN 2224-5790 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0514 (Online) Vol.10, No.5, 2018, pp. 41-51.
Mahenge, A.S., Mato, R. R.A.M., Charles, S, (2018).
Investigation of the Causes and Variations of Salinity in Drinking Water Wells in Pangani Town, Tanzania. Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 5(7):357-373
Semiono, P; Mato, R.R.A.M., Mohamed, N.K, Jackson, M.M., (2018).
Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in Different Soils Particle Size Fractions at the Deposit Site and in the Vicinity of Mkuju Uranium Mine in Tanzania. International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Protection, 5(1): 1-10.
Kisaka, M., and Mato, R.R.A.M (2018).
Spatial variation of ground water quality parameters and its suitability for drinking at Makutupora aquifer, Dodoma Municipality, Tanzania. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics. (IJEGEO). 5(3):337-.352. DOI: 10.30897/ijegeo.462691.
Mahenge, A. and Malabeja, M. (2018).
Integrated Evaluation for Sustainability and Climate Compatibility ff Wastewater Management in Eco-Cities: Case Study of Kigamboni, Tanzania, International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch, 3(4): pp 94-128.
Mahenge, A. and Malabeja, M. (2018).
Performance Analysis of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor and Constructed Wetland for Community Based Wastewater in Dar Es Salam, Tanzania, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 5(7): pp 231-239.
Mahenge, A. (2018).
Theoretical Overview of Sustainability of Wastewater Management in the Eco-Cities Setting, International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 4(1): pp 277-306.
Mahenge, A. (2018).
Nitrogen Removal in Mangroves Constructed Wetland, International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 3(2): pp 647-655.
Mahenge, A. (2018).
Performance of EcoSan Toilets at Majumbasita in Dar Es Salaam – Tanzania, International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 3(4): pp 1241-1245.
Mahenge, A. (2018).
Policy, Institutional and Legal Guidelines for Sustainable Use of Constructed Wetlands in Tanzania, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 5(7): pp 148-150.
Mahenge, A. (2018).
Technical Guidelines for Proper Planning, Designing Construction and Sustainable Use of Constructed Wetlands Technology in Tanzania, International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 4(1): pp 830-838.
Mahenge, A. (2018).
Sustainable Implementation of Constructed Wetlands Technology in Tanzania: Guiding Principles Associated with Health Aspects, International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch, 3(4): pp 242-248.
Mahenge, A. (2018).
Guiding Principles Associated With Social-Economic Aspects for Constructed Wetland Technology in Tanzania, International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch, 3(4): pp 249-255.
Mahenge, A. (2018).
Comparative Study of Phosphorus Sorption Characteristics and Behaviours of Kilimanjaro-Pumice and Rungwe-Pumice Wetland Soils, International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 7(8): pp 8-15.
Mahenge, A. (2018).
Phosphorus Removal in Mangrove Constructed Wetland, Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology, 7(2): pp 61-71.
Sabai, S. M. M., and Rugudagiza, B. X (2018).
Recycling of re-refined oil sludge together with construction and demolition waste into building materials in Tanzania, African Journal of Science and Technology. Vol.12(2), pp. 84-90.
Mkumbo S., Y. H. Senkondo& P. Sospeter (2018).
Fluorine and copper accumulation in lettuce grown on fluoride and copper contaminated soils. Journal of Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Volume 49, Issue 21. DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2018.1526950
Gladness Rwejumula, Deusdedit Kibassa and Nyangi Chacha (2018).
Life Cycle Assessment of Rice Production at Farm Level Using ISO 14040/44, The Case of Kilombero Plantations Limited (KPL). International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 9(3):986-992.
Manoj R, Shemdoe R, Hulme, D, Mwageni N, Gougha A(2018).
Climate change and declining levels of green structures: Life in informal settlements of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning: 282-293.
Mhina G.J., Marina B.J., Mbuligwe. E.S, and Roderick, Kassenga . R.G (2018).
Mapping the gap of stormwater and erosion control measures in rapidly urbanizing Mbezi River catchment of Dar es Salaam. Water journal. Vol. 10, Issue 1, page 64.
Chacha, N., Njau, K. N., Lugomela, G. V., & Muzuka, A. N. (2018).
Hydrogeochemical characteristics and spatial distribution of groundwater quality in Arusha well fields, Northern Tanzania. Applied Water Science, 8(4), 1-23.
Chacha, N., Njau, K. N., Lugomela, G. V., &Muzuka, A. N. (2018).
Groundwater age dating and recharge mechanism of Arusha aquifer, northern Tanzania: application of radioisotope and stable isotope techniques. Hydrogeology Journal, 26(8), 2693-2706.
Sweya, L. N., Wilkinson, S., & Chang-Richard, A. (2018).
Understanding water systems resilience problems in Tanzania. Procedia Engineering, 212, 488-495.
Sabai, S.M.M., Lichtenberg, J.J.N., Egmond E.L.C., Cox, M.G.D.M, Mato, R. R., Florea, M.V.M., Brouwers, H.J.H (2018).
Recycling construction and demolition waste into innovative building material in Tanzania, Chapter in a book titled “Informality in Housing and Livelihood Activities, Building Materials and Risk Management in Construction Industry in Tanzania. Editors: Kiunsi, R. B. Shemdoe, R. S., and Lukwale, S. R. Ardhi University. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. (ISBN 978-9987-01-013-4).
Fredrick Salukele, Dionis Rugai and Mengiseny E. Kaseva (2017)
Occurrence and Fate of Antibiotics as Trace Contaminants in Wastewater Collection and Disposal Systems. Case Study: University of Dar es Salaam Wastewater Stabilization Ponds, in Tanzania. Journal of Environment and Earth Science. ISSN 2224-3216 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0948 (Online) Vol.7, No.2, 2017, pp. 1-11.
Semiono, P; Mwalongo, D.A.; Mkilaha, I.S.N; Mato, R.R.A.M; Jackson, M.M (2017).
Investigation of natural background gamma ray doses in the proposed uranium mines at Bahi and Manyoni. Ethiopia Journal of Environmental studies and Management. 10(8):1094-1105. Doi:https://ejesm.org/doi/v10i8.10
Fredrick Salukele and DokelaChale (2017).
Comparative Analysis of Non-Infrastructural Impacts of Floods. Case Study: 2011 and 2014 floods in Dar es Salaam. Journal of Civil and Environmental Research. ISSN 2224-5790 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0514 (Online) Vol.9, No.6, 2017, pp. 30-37
Fredrick Salukele and Weston Jonston (2017).
Potentials of Private Sector and Civil Society Organizations in Investing in REDD+ in Tanzania. International Journal of African and Asian Studies. ISSN 2409-6938 Vol.35, 2017, pp. 17-24.
Fredrick Salukele, Nsani Yannick Toamukum and Joseph Mayunga (2017).
Assessment of Flood Risk Perception and Coping Strategies in Flood Prone Areas: The Case of Msasani Bonde la Mpunga, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of Civil and Environmental Research. ISSN 2224-5790 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0514 (Online) Vol.9, No.6, 2017, pp. 38-42.
Massa, K., Kilamile, F., Safari, E., Seleman, A., Mwakitalima, A., Balengayabo, J. G., and Mubyazi, G. M. (2017).
Contributing to the debate on categorising shared sanitation facilities as ‘unimproved’: An account based on field researchers’ observations and householders’ opinions in three regions, Tanzania. PloS one, 12(11), e0185875.
Sabai, S.M.M, Mato, R.R, etal (2016),
Recycling of Innovative building material from construction and demolition waste characteristics in Tanzania. Chapter in a Book titled “Managing Urban Construction in Tanzania: Selected Management Aspects”
Marobhe N. J. and Sabai, S. M (2016).
Assessment of food safety practices and microbiological quality of street vended rice and beans in Mlalakuwa ward, Dar es Salaam, Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Science, Vol. 6;2, pp 297-312.
Kihampa, C., Kaisi, G. and Hellar (2016).
Assessing the Contributions of industrial Wastewater to Toxic Metals Contamination in Receiving Urban Rivers, Dar es salaam City, Tanzania. Elixir pollution, 93, 39532-39541
Sabai, S.M.M., Lichtenberg, J.J.N., Egmond E.L.C., Florea, M.V.M., Brouwers, H.J.H., (2016).
Construction and demolition waste characteristics in Tanzania construction industry, Huria Journal of the Open University of Tanzania, Vol. 23; pp 1-22.
Sabai, S.M.M, Mato, R.R, etal (2016).
Construction and Demolition wastes characteristics in Tanzania Construction Industry. HuriaJournal of the Open University of Tanzania (in PRESS)
Chacha, Nils Dyrset and Godliving Mtui (2016).
Optimization of Independent Variables Affecting Bioethanol Production Using Escherichia coli KO11. International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy, 11(2): 98-112
Shemdoe R., Kassenga, G., and Mbuligwe, S. (2015).
“Implementing climate change adaptation and mitigation interventions at the local government levels in Tanzania: where do we start?” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,Vol. No. 13, pp. 32-41.
Mato, RRAM (2015).
Groundwater quality degradation due to saltwater intrusion in Zanzibar Municipality. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Vol.9 (9), pp. 734 - 740.
H. Mohamed, T. Clasen, R. Njee, H. M, Malebo, S. E. Mbuligwe, J. Brown. (2015).
Microbiological effectiveness of household water treatment technologies under field conditions in rural Tanzania. Tropical Medicine and International Health.
Tumaini Yarumba, Stephen Mbuligwe and Fredrick Salukele (2015).
Insuring Disaster Risks in Tanzania: Challenges and Opportunities Research. Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online) Vol.6, No.7, 2015, pp. 255-261.
Sabai, S.M.M (2015).
Cradle to Cradle Production: Concrete Waste Recycling for Sustainable Construction in Tanzania, American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology and Science, vol. 14;3;119-129.
Muhondwa, J.P, Martienssen, M, Burkhardt, M. (2015).
Effect of High moisture content on Pathogens Hygienization Potential of In-vessel Composting Technology during Biowaste Composting. International Journal of Current Research 7(4): 15042-15048.
Muhondwa, J.P, Martienssen, M, Burkhardt, M. (2015).
Feasibility of Anaerobic Digestion of Potato peels for Biogas as Potential Mitigation to Greenhouse gas Emission. International Journal of Environmental Research. 9(2):481-488.
Mwegoha, W. J. S and Muhondwa, J. (2015).
Sorption-Desorption Tests on the Performance of Non-Hazardous Industrial Wastes in Decreasing Leachability of Trace metals on Contaminated Lands. International Journal of Science and Technology, 04(2) pp: 86-106.
Mwageni, N, Kiunsi R and Shemdoe R (2015).
Potential Carbon Credit and community Expectations towards viability of REDD project, Journal of African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.
Mwageni, N, Kiunsi R and Shemdoe R (2015).
Assessment of changes in provision of Ecosystem Services and Goods and Benefit Sharing Mechanism in REDD project, Journal of International Journal of Biodiversity and conservation.
Sappa, G., Ergul, S., Ferranti, F., Sweya, L. N., &Luciani, G. (2015).
Effects of seasonal change and seawater intrusion on water quality for drinking and irrigation purposes, in coastal aquifers of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 105, 64-84.
Kassenga, G. R. and Rugai, D. (2014).
“Climate Change Impact and Institutional Response. In: Climate Change Vulnerability in Southern African Cities: Building Knowledge. Macchi, S. and Tiepolo, M. (Eds). Springer, pp. 39 – 56. ISBN 978-3-3-319-00671-0.
Joost Van Buuren, Shaaban Mgana, Fredrick Salukele, James Okot-Okumu, Chritian Zurbrugg and Grietje Zeeman (2014).
Sanitation and Solid waste management options for sustainable service provision in East Africa in Urban Waste and Sanitation Services for Sustainable Development: Harnessing Social and Technical Diversity in East Africa Book Edited by Bas Van Vliet, Joost Van Buuren, Shaaban Mgana. Published by Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London & New York, pp. 27-49 ISBN13: 978-0-415-83377-6 (hbk), ISBN 13: 978-0-203-36270-9 (ebk).
Sakijege T., Sartohadi J., Marfai, M. A., Kassenga G.R. and Kasala, S. E. (2014).
“Recovery after floods: A Case of Rental Housing Business in KekoMachungwa Informal Settlement, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania”. International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity. Vol. 5, pp.15-28.
Sakijege T., Sartohadi J., Marfai, M. A., Kassenga G.R. and Kasala, S. E. (2014).
“Assessment of adaptation strategies to flooding: A comparative study between informal settlements of KekoMachungwain Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Sangkrah in Surakarta, Indonesia”. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 6(1), Art. #131, 10 pages.
http:// dx.doi.org/10.4102/jamba. v6i1.131.
Sakijege, T., Sartohadi, J., Marfai, M.A., Kassenga, G. and Kasala, S. (2014)
“Government and Community Involvement in Environmental Protection and Flood Risk Management: Lessons from KekoMachungwa, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania”. Journal of Environmental Protection, 5, 760‐771.
Marobhe N.J (2014).
Antimicrobial Effect of Coagulant Protein Purified from Vigna Unguiculata Seed and Citrus Fruit Juice on River Water Bacteria. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 358-363.
H. Mohamed, J. Brown, R. M. Njee, T. Clasen, H. M. Malebo, S. E. Mbuligwe. (2014).
Point of use chlorination of turbid water: Results from a field study in Tanzania. Journal of Water and Health.
Mahenge, A. (November, 2014).
Modelling of Nitrogen Transformation and Removal in a Constructed Mangrove Wetland, Journal of Building and Land Development – Ardhi University, Vol. – Special Issue, pp 44-63.
Mahenge, A. (2014).
“Performance of horizontal surface flow constructed mangroves wetland in faecal coliform removal”, Journal of Applied Phytotechnology in Environmental Sanitation, Indonesia, Vol. 3 (2), pp 35 – 44.
Mahenge, A. (2014).
“Suitability of Moshi Pumice for Phosphorus Sorption in Constructed Wetlands”, Journal of Applied Science in Environmental Management (JASEM), Vol. 18 (1), pp 135–140.
Fredrick Salukele, (2014).
Feasibility of application of anaerobic landfill bioreactors in Tanzania. Journal of Building and Land Development, Dar es Salaam. ISSN 0856-0501, Special Issue (Nov 2014) pp. 106-119.
Sabai, M.M.; Cox, M.G.D.M; Mato, R.R.; Egmud, E.L.C; Lichtenberg, J.J.N (2013).
Concrete blocks from construction demolition waste in Tanzania. Resouces, Conservation and Recycling Journal. Vol.72., pp 9 - 19.
Kihampa, C and Mwegoha, W.J.S, Mato, RRAM (2013),
Organochlorine Residues Linger in Soil After Clean up of Obsolete Pesticide Residue Stockpiles. Journal of Building and Land Development, Dar es Salaam. Special issue, pp. 22 - 28.
Marobhe, N.J (2013).
Contemporary issues pertinent to coliform bacteria as indicators of faecal pollution of drinking water: a review. Journal of Building and Land Development, Special issue, September, 2013, pp. 130-143.
Marobhe, N.J (2013).
Effectiveness of crude extract and purified protein from Vigna unguiculata seed in purification of charco dam water for drinking in Tanzania. International Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 4, No 3, pp. 259-273.
Marobhe, N.J and Gunno. R. (2013).
Purification of charco dam water using purified proteins from Parkinsonia aculeata seed. International Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 3, No. 5, pp. 1749-1761.
Mahenge, A. (2013).
“The study on ecological sanitation systems in Dar-es-alaam (Tanzania), International Journal of Development and Sustainability, Japan, Vol. 2 (4), pp 2256-2265.
Sabai, M.M. (2013).
Recycling of construction and demolition waste into innovative building materials in Tanzania is possible, Connect Newsletter, Technical University of Eindhoven, Eindhoven.
Sabai, M.M., Cox, M.G.D.M., Mato, R.R.A.M., Egmond - de Wilde De Ligny, E.L.C. van & Lichtenberg, J.J.N. (2013).
Concrete block production from construction and demolition waste in Tanzania. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, vol.72,pp 9-19
Nyangi Chacha, Nils Dyrset, Godliving Mtui, Jamidu Katima, Godwill Mrema (2013).
Optimisation of fermentation process variables for bioethanol production from Pinus patula chipped wood residue using Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 96581. International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy, 5(3): 123-135