ARU offers Master’s and PhD programmes under different delivery modes including full time and part time. The university also offers masters’ programmes under evening programme arrangement. At ARU, there is a total of 14 masters and five PhD run under coursework and dissertation delivery mode. There is also a total of three masters and 24 PhD programmes run by thesis. The duration for masters by coursework and dissertation is 18 months while that for masters’ by thesis is 24 months. The duration for PhD by thesis is three years while that of PhD by coursework and dissertation is four years. The admission for masters by thesis and PhD by thesis takes place any time of the academic year while that for masters or PhD by course work and dissertation normally takes place in November every year. To ensure internationalization, the university offers Double Degrees and Joint Degrees in collaboration with partner universities abroad.
Entry Requirements for Masters’ Degrees
A candidate for admission to the Master’s degree of Ardhi University must have attained the pass mark in the following levels:
At least second lower degree from a recognised University. Candidates who hold an unclassified degree should have at least a B grade in the subject of the intended Master’s study. Candidates with pass degrees may also be considered for admission if:
- Their undergraduate performance in the proposed subject of study was a B grade or higher
- They have satisfied the relevant School/Institute with their academic potential through subsequent research experience and/or additional training.
- Candidates with equivalent qualifications must also possess at least ordinary secondary school certificates with credit passes.
- For Master’s by Thesis programmes, candidates must have an upper second degree in the relevant field.
- The University shall process provisional admission into a master’s programme of a candidate who applied in the final year of the bachelor’s degree and has completed degree requirements for admission but is still waiting for the final results.
Entry Requirements for Doctor of Phylosophy Degree
a) A candidate for admission to the Doctor of Philosophy degree of Ardhi University shall hold the following qualifications;
- Master’s degree from a recognised university.
- Candidates with a First Class or Upper Second class degree, or holders of a distinction or a credit in the case of unclassified degrees, may also be considered for PhD. registration. Such candidates have to initially register for the Master’s degree and do at least one full year's postgraduate training. If they demonstrate outstanding performance, and obtain the authorisation of Senate on the recommendation of the relevant School or Institute Board and the HDRPC, they may upgrade their registration to PhD. candidacy.
- The University shall admit into a doctorate degree programme a candidate with a GPA of 3.0 or B grade in his/her master’s degree
- The University shall process provisional admission into PhD degree programme of a candidate waiting for final year results of his/her master’s degree and has completed the degree requirements but is waiting for the results
b) Other requirements
- A candidate discontinued on academic grounds from a postgraduate programme may be allowed to apply for admission into another programme.
- Such a candidate maybe admitted into the same programme after showing evidence that he or she has attended and passed a relevant professional or academic course lasting at least three years after the discontinuation.
- Students discontinued from studies because of examination irregularities will be considered for re-admission after they have been away for three years. They will be required to re-apply and compete with other applicants for re-admission into first year.
- Application deadline shall be a prerogative of the University.