


Anes Mahenge
Anes Mahenge
Dean of School

Prof.Mahenge is associate professor at department of Environmental Engineering, School of Environmental Science and Technology (SEST), Ardhi University. Generally, her academic and professional background is in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering. Her academic expertise covers: Solid Waste Management and Technology; Water resources Management; Water supply; Wastewater Management; Building services engineering; Sanitation Engineering; Ecological Sanitation; Storm water drainage and Rainwater harvesting; Ecology and Biodiversity; Air pollution prevention and control; Environmental health Control; occupational health and safety, Research Methodologies in science; Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Audit. Her research areas covers; water resources management, Wastewater management, Ecology & Biodiversity and Water Supply Health, hygiene & sanitation. Publications: She has made sixteen (16) paper publications and four (4) book publications.

Contacts;  Email: anesi.mahenge@aru.ac.tz, anesimahenge@gmail.com  Phone: 0738316073, 076227961